

The University of Johannesburg (UJ)

In this position, I taught an electrodynamics course to second-year engineering students and a course on astrophysical radiative processes for fourth-year physics majors.

Additionally, I continued working on research with the MeerKAT/MIGHTEE working group continues while maintaining an institutional affiliation with IDIA.

January 2021 - December 2024

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

The Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy (IDIA)

As a postdoc, I begun research that makes primary use of MeerKAT and uGMRT radio continuum data (in addition to multiwavelength ancillary data) to study galaxy evolution.

January 2020 - December 2020

Ph.D. Student

The European Southern Observatory (ESO)

During this time, I worked primarily with VLT/MUSE and ALMA data to study the kinematics and chemical evolution of the extended emission nebulae surrounding high-redshift radio galaxies.

August 2016 - December 2019

Click here for the rest of my academic CV.

Accomplishments and Funding Awarded

  • Recipient of an NRF (National Research Foundation) funding grant through the BAAP (Black Academic Advancement Program) of 2023
  • ESO Ph.D. Studentship (2016 - 2019)
  • Admission to the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS), Astrophysics Ph.D. Class of 2016 - 2019
  • Scholarship recipient in the NRF-SKA (Square Kilometer Array) BSc and MSc Bursary Program (2011 - 2015)